Are you looking after or providing support for a relative friend or neighbour? Are you being helped or supported by a relative friend or neighbour? Your GP needs to know so you can be offered the right information, support and access to services. GP surgeries have to compile information for the government about the numbers of carers attached to the surgery so your information will help them to do this.
Please complete the form below and return it to the surgery as soon as possible.
Carers Card
You can apply to carry a carers card so that if you are suddenly taken ill or have an accident the emergency services can get in touch with your contacts and take appropriate action. Please click here to find out more.
Carers Assessment
A carer assessment helps you to think about your caring role, how it affects your life and what support you may need. It’s about you; it’s not a judgement about how capable you are as a carer. During the assessment, staff from North Yorkshire County Council will talk with you about your needs, your health, about what is important to you, and if your wellbeing is affected by an inability to meet certain outcomes.
Please click here for more information about a carers assessment
Flu Vaccine
Carers are also now eligible for a seasonal flu vaccination. Please ring the surgery on 01845 523157 if you wish to book an appointment.
Do you or someone you know need more help?
If you or someone you know needs help with daily living, would like help to stay in their own home, need help with Housing Support or to discuss care homes please ring the Single Point of Access at North Yorkshire County Council on 0300 131 2 131 or click for more here information.
Information about Care
The care choices site provides a central place for people to find the guidance and knowledge they need, whether they’re looking for care, supporting people to find adverts for services, or planning for the future.
The North Yorkshire Care and Support Services Directory is a useful guide which includes comprehensive lists of CQC registered care providers across North Yorkshire as well as information on funding care, understanding the assessment process, staying independent, dementia care services and much more.
Please click here to see the directory.