Lambert Medical Centre

New Parents

Becoming a new parent is an exciting time but it can also be overwhelming.  On this page you can find information and links which you may find useful.


It is normal for babies to cry.  If you are worried you can find some helpful advice and guidance here 


Immunisations – Click here to find information about your baby’s immunisation schedule and why they are important.

Health Visitors – Health Visitors offer additional support to families when needed and can offer practical advice and support on a range of topics related to parenting.  Click here for their website.

Mental Health – as many as 10% of recently delivered women develop postnatal depression.  You are not alone and there is help available.  If you find that you are struggling please talk to your Health Visitor first (01609 780780) who can provide support.

Children’s Health PageChildren’s health information pages for parents and carers | Healthier Together (


Additional support can also be found via these links:

Association for postnatal illness


Financial support

For advice regarding work and benefits click here.

For financial help for food and vitamins click here.

Helpful websites regarding feeding and sleep:


Date published: 22nd June, 2020
Date last updated: 4th April, 2023